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Nation in Conversation looks into the carrot industry

  • 13 April 2018
  • 1989
  •  nation-in-conversation

The first segment of the show focusses on the awesome beauty of the area which is steeped in archaeological mystery and wonder. Take a peek at Maropeng and experience world class state of the art exhibitions of our pre-historic ancestors, or enjoy the award-winning cuisine at the Forum Homini boutique hotel’s Roots restaurants.

After the quick tourguide, the cameras pan back to the studio where host Rozanne McKenzie introduces Vito Rugani, CEO of Rugani Carrots. Vito sheds some interesting facts and tid-bits about the humble carrot. “It is one of the most popular vegetables from a consumer point of view,” he says. Vito also stresses the importance of agriculture as the corner stone of the economy and explains the consequences of a failed agriculture sector on the economy.

Rugani Carrots Marketing Manager, Wesley Browne then leads the way to the carrot juicing plants and explains why how it takes about an hour for the carrot to become juice after leaving the ground. And apparently the carrot has some unique qualities as well. Tune in and find out what they are. 
Other not to be missed inserts in the programme includes a perspective from Lindie Stroebel, Produce Marketing Association General Manager who give us an insight into the volumes produced in South Africa. 

While Co-host Theo Vorster ends of the show with a chat with Johnny van der Merwe, Agriculture Economist at NWU who sheds some light on pricing and market trends in vegetable commodities, carrots in particular.

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