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Sustainable Meat Production on Nation in Conversation at Nampo Cape

  • 12 September 2018
  • 1854

Izak sketched a background which indicated that sheep production “has declined drastically over the past 15 years primarily due to theft and predation. Intensive farming is not new, but what it offers you is the ability to keep your finger on the pulse of all the elements that are important for successful production.”

Karin and her husband Manie developed the Mils (Mamre Intensiewe Lam Stelsel) system which produces lambs monthly. “We did a lot of research and eventually divided our flock into 8 groups and synchronised their lambing with artificial insemination to lamb monthly. Every group of ewes is monitored closely and every process of the system is recorded and kept in a database.”

Dr D’Wall made the point that when “you have many animals together in one space you need to make sure your bio-security is up to scratch. Ensure that your workers sterilize before entering the animal’s space. The chicken farmers are ahead of us in this game.”

Charné stressed the importance of feed. “The animals have very specific nutritional needs at specific periods of their cycles, for example during pregnancy and lactation and the key is to provide a feed that will deliver on protein, vitamins and energy.”

Izak cautioned that farmers wanting to go for an intensive system must ensure that their budget is set up for a return on investment only after ten months, which covers the pregnancy period and the maturity of the lambs.”

For more on this fascinating subject watch the full discussion at and follow the programme for the content of the other discussions to be held on September 13 and 14 also live from Nampo Cape.

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